My Sola Pro
Sola Stories Podcast

Webinars & workshops to keep you running your Sola like a boss.
Sola Sessions is a multi-day event exclusively built for you, the independent pro! Filled with business and technical education, networking, and fun! Enjoy a line-up of inspiring keynote speakers, industry-leading experts, hands-on workshops, CE credits, your favorite brands, and more.
Experience a level of creative independence and career support you won’t find anywhere else.
At Sola, you simply get more.

At Sola, I have been able to achieve any goal I have set for myself in my personal and professional life with no limitations. With Sola Sessions and Sola Pro, I have access to education created just for Sola owners. And with SolaGenius I have the bes...
Kim Bennett, Sola Pro

Sola checks all the boxes for me and gives me the tools I need to maintain success and passion for the industry I love so much! I absolutely love the space I have created, the Sola community and the freedom I have to be me at all times!
Jazmin Stratton, Sola Pro

Sola showed me my worth, gave me direction, and transformed me into the beauty professional I’ve always wanted to be!
Kim Pags, Sola Pro

That there is so much freedom in being a business owner and it is a lot more simple than most think. Sola makes it so easy to transition! It’s worth the risk.
Gina Micheletti, Sola Pro